Basement Window Trim
Here are some pictures of the window trim I put on last night. The sill is just a 2x2 put on to plywood using dowels. I couldn't afford 12"x2" fir, the plywood is a good compromise. I still have to finish the bathroom window trim, as well as finish stripping the windows themselves, and varnishing the plywood sills. The vent hood location is a little unfortunate, that was as high as I could get it to the ceiling. There's a built in bookcase, that will receive the same treatment. I put new latches on the windows, they just had small barrel locks, and someone tried to break in a few months ago. I added a locking latch on each one, so someone would have to break the window right out to break in. I think it's looks better than having bars on the window, and the key will be hidden close by. I have some other issues with the windows to solve. I need some different hinges so they stay open without propping. As well, I've had problems with leaks when the rain is driven against the house. I need some kind of drip cap, so the water doesn't get in, more on that later.
Kitchen Window
Living Room Window